Strategy & Vision:


Our primary focus are the Protection, Mining, Industrial and Commercial sectors.

  • Customer Service
  • Project Consultants
  • Installation Contractors

Wohler Manufacturing undertakes to continue to implement current technology, and look forward to being presented in the future with increased opportunities and contracts, within the local and greater African market.

Future Goals:

We foresee a huge demand for better quality manufacturing. Our solution, which we have already implemented for this future predicament, are our relationships established with international specialist firms. Having this at hand, we are more than confident in approaching projects with experience and expertise.

Quality Control:

Wohler Manufacturing pursues an up-to-date and controlled quality management system that satisfies the differing requirements, specifications and conditions specified by their customers. The quality system which has been implemented is in accordance to customer DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM from various sub-suppliers.

The quality objectives identified in our Quality Manufacturing are intended to fulfil the following requirements:

  • Promote and strive to achieve satisfaction for our customers and other interested parties.
  • Develop our staff to their full potential.
  • Utilize in future the quality management system to focus on continual improvement to all our processes.

The future quality management system manual serves as a modus operandi for the Company to ensure commitment to, and the enforcement of the policies and processes.

This policy will be retained by management to operator level.

Product Philosophy:

Every product designed and manufactured by Wohler Manufacturing includes our brand name – a fingerprint of the company:

  • Designing products by implementing reliable, quality and available   components.
  • Centralized research and development secures resources to one team.
  • Products are designed to the requirements of the customer, which ensures a flexible and long lasting business relationship.
  • Designing and manufacturing of products reflects our admirable craftsmanship.
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